I've found out that both my Omega Flowey remixes have been unpublished by someone else. I don't know why, I made the remix, I gave credit, and I published it under a license that complied to the ToS. I just don't see the reason. Could anybody explain?
edit; my megalovania got taken down, too, and while I didn't like that one, it made my Crystal Stair no longer my third published, kinda ruining the theme of threes in Crystal Stair.
edit edit; my Giant Hadron Collider is still there, so, in conclusion, I guess newgrounds just hates Undertale.
Did it get Blammed?
Newgrounds has a process of Blamming low tier content in order to try and keep the site from being flooded with crap like Deviantart. Your content might of fell into that for someone.
That does seem possible, but how would I know if that happened?